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BTCC: Silverstone'da Kazananlar Plato(2) & Shedden !!

Posted by éndér_48 on Pazartesi, Eylül 30, 2013 No comments

10 yarıştan oluşan 2013 BTCC takviminin 9. yarışına ev sahipliği yapan İngiltere'nin efsanevi pisti Silverstone'da yapılan ilk yarışta zafer MG KX Momentum Racing pilotu Jason Plato'nun oldu.

25 tur üzerinden koşulan ilk yarışta Plato'nun ardından 1.4 saniye farkla takım arkadaşı Sam Tordoff finiş görürken Honda Yuasa Racing pilotu Matt Neal podyumu tamamlayan isim oldu.

2013 Dunlop MSA British Touring Car Championship – Silverstone – Race one
1 Jason Plato (MG KX Momentum Racing) 25 Laps
2 Sam Tordoff (MG KX Momentum Racing) +1.477
3 Matt Neal (Honda Yuasa Racing) +6.072
4 Colin Turkington (eBay Motors) +6.080
5 Robert Collard (eBay Motors) +6.453
6 Andrew Jordan (Pirtek Racing) +7.114
7 Adam Morgan (Ciceley Racing) +7.511
8 Aron Smith (Airwaves Racing) +8.206
9 Mat Jackson (Airwaves Racing) +8.494
10 Dave Newsham (Speedworks Motorsport) +9.227
11 Gordon Shedden (Honda Yuasa Racing) +13.243
12 Rob Austin (WIX Racing) +13.398
13 Daniel Welch (Welch Motorsport with Sopp + Sopp) +14.092
14 Frank Wrathall (Dynojet) +14.381
15 Tom Onslow-Cole (Airwaves Racing) +14.732
16 Warren Scott (Team BMR Restart) +19.698
17 Howard Fuller (RCIB Insurance Racing) +22.463
18 Jeff Smith (Pirtek Racing) +30.327
19 Ollie Jackson (Speedworks Motorsport) +30.475
20 Lea Wood (Wheel Heaven/Houseman Racing) +32.789
21 Aiden Moffat (PPCGB/Kraftwerk Racing) +33.068
22 Will Bratt (Rob Austin Racing) +1 Lap
Not Classified
- Liam Griffin (Addison Lee Motorbase) +10 Laps
- Jack Goff (RCIB Insurance Racing) +14 Laps
- Andy Neate (Team Club 44) +24 Laps
- Nick Foster (eBay Motors) +24 Laps

Silverstone'da gerçekleştirilen ikinci yarışta son şampiyon Andrew Jordan ile olan düelloyu kazanarak bir kez daha podyumun zirvesine oturan Jason Plato, bu zaferle birlikte BTCC kariyerinin de 80. yarış galibiyetine ulaşmış oldu.

Yalnızca 0.2 saniye farkla ikinci sırada kalan Pirtek Racing pilotu Andrew Jordan'ın ardından yine 0.2 saniyelik bir farkla Airwaves Racing pilotu Aron Smith damalı bayrağı üçüncü sırada gören isim oldu.

2013 Dunlop MSA British Touring Car Championship – Silverstone – Race two
1 Jason Plato (MG KX Momentum Racing) 25 Laps
2 Andrew Jordan (Pirtek Racing) +0.244
3 Aron Smith (Airwaves Racing) +0.410
4 Sam Tordoff (MG KX Momentum Racing) +2.064
5 Colin Turkington (eBay Motors) +4.818
6 Matt Neal (Honda Yuasa Racing) +7.314
7 Gordon Shedden (Honda Yuasa Racing) +7.525
8 Dave Newsham (Speedworks Motorsport) +7.780
9 Daniel Welch (Welch Motorsport with Sopp + Sopp) +9.626
10 Mat Jackson (Airwaves Racing) +12.553
11 Howard Fuller (RCIB Insurance Racing) +17.858
12 Will Bratt (Rob Austin Racing) +20.537
13 Nick Foster (eBay Motors) +21.038
14 Aiden Moffat (PPCGB/Kraftwerk Racing) +24.925
15 Jack Goff (RCIB Insurance Racing) +29.899
16 Lea Wood (Wheel Heaven/Houseman Racing) +32.937
17 Andy Neate (Team Club 44) +38.057
Not Classified
- Liam Griffin (Addison Lee Motorbase) +3 Laps
- Adam Morgan (Ciceley Racing) +15 Laps
- Ollie Jackson (Speedworks Motorsport) +18 Laps
- Robert Collard (eBay Motors) +23 Laps
- Warren Scott (Team BMR Restart) +23 Laps
- Tom Onslow-Cole (Airwaves Racing) +24 Laps
- Rob Austin (WIX Racing) +25 Laps
- Frank Wrathall (Dynojet) +25 Laps

23 turluk son yarışta ise zafer bu kez Honda Yuasa Racing pilotu Gordon Shedden'in oldu.

Airwaves Racing pilotu Aron Smith ikinci sırada finiş görürken, bir diğer Honda Yuasa Racing pilotu Matt Neal üçüncü sırada finiş görerek podyumu tamamlayan isim oldu.

2013 Dunlop MSA British Touring Car Championship – Silverstone – Race three
1 Gordon Shedden (Honda Yuasa Racing) 23 Laps
2 Aron Smith (Airwaves Racing) +2.045
3 Matt Neal (Honda Yuasa Racing) +3.710
4 Mat Jackson (Airwaves Racing) +4.935
5 Andrew Jordan (Pirtek Racing) +5.647
6 Dave Newsham (Speedworks Motorsport) +5.920
7 Jason Plato (MG KX Momentum Racing) +6.412
8 Adam Morgan (Ciceley Racing) +6.737
9 Jack Goff (RCIB Insurance Racing) +7.241
10 Daniel Welch (Welch Motorsport with Sopp + Sopp) +7.581
11 Nick Foster (eBay Motors) +7.856
12 Robert Collard (eBay Motors) +8.009
13 Tom Onslow-Cole (Airwaves Racing) +8.378
14 Sam Tordoff (MG KX Momentum Racing) +11.101
15 Howard Fuller (RCIB Insurance Racing) +14.761
16 Warren Scott (Team BMR Restart) +15.904
17 Rob Austin (WIX Racing) +16.484
18 Andy Neate (Team Club 44) +18.241
19 Aiden Moffat (PPCGB/Kraftwerk Racing) +20.171
20 Lea Wood (Wheel Heaven'Houseman Racing) +27.278
Not Classified
- Colin Turkington (eBay Motors) +2 Laps
- Ollie Jackson (Speedworks Motorsport) +10 Laps
- Will Bratt (Rob Austin Racing) +16 Laps

Şampiyonun belirleneceği 2013 BTCC takviminin son yarışı 13 Ekim tarihinde Brands Hatch pistinde gerçekleştirilecek.

- Ender MAZI -

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